Time Deposit Rate*

Term Amount Rate
30 to 90 days 5,000 to 49,999 2.35%
50,000 to 249,999 2.50%
250,000 to 999,999 3.00%
1 Year (Interest Paid in Advance)** Minimum of P50,000 to P249,999 3.50%
250,000 and up 3.95%
3 Years (Interest Paid in Advance) Minimum of P20,000 4.50%
5 Years and 1 month***

(Interest Paid in Advance)

Minimum of P50,000 to P499,000 5.00%
Php 500,000 and up 5.50%

*Updated May 15, 2018

**Updated April 22, 2017

***Corporate accounts are taxable

Rates are subject to change without prior notice.

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